Do you think it is important for people to continue to travel into space? Why or why not? You may want to think about issues, such as: costs, dangers, rewards, No one ever said growing up was easy. Write about a recent incident that was a difficult but natural part of growing up., Global warming has become a serious threat to our planet. Explain what we can do as citizens to reduce the effects of global warming. You may want to consider factors, such as: recycling, the impact of fossil fuels (oil, gas, and coal), the impact of consumerism (buying things), Have you ever wondered about your place in the world? Do you sometimes dream of where you want to be in life? When you find your place, will you know it? Write about where you would like your life to lead you., It is a common theme in literature that the worst of times brings out not only the worst but also the best in people. Individuals faced with natural disasters, conflicts, overwhelming odds, unbearable pressure and monstrous evil are capable of extraordinary acts of courage and kindness. Who do you think is truly courageous? Why?, Write a letter to your principal about your opinion on whether your school should have a later start time or not., Write a letter to your principal about your opinion on whether cell phones should be banned in your school or not., You are and your teammates on the basketball team have decided that you would like to organize a game of students versus staff to raise money to help renovate the gym. First you need to write a proposal to the principal to ask if you can play the game on a Friday, last period. Write a proposal to the principal that includes details about the game and also convinces the principal that it is a good idea. .
WIDA ACCESS 9-12 Writing Prompts
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