What color do you love?, What do you love most about yourself?, What food do you love?, What do you love most?, What do you love to do?, What movie do you love?, What book do you love most?, Who is your best friend?, What toy do you love the most?, How do you show love?, What is your favorite candy?, Would you rather get flowers or chocolates?, Would you rather have red hearts or pink flowers?, Who do you want to give a Valentines to?, Do you like chocolate or candy?, Do you like hugs or kisses?, What are some things you like to do for fun?, If you could have any pet in the world, what would it be?, What would you do if you were a superhero for a day?, What is your favorite sport to watch on TV?, Have you ever gone hiking or camping?, Do you like jumping in the rain?, Do you like the rain or the sun?, Do you like to play any sports? Which ones?, Do you like to dress up in costumes? Which is your favorite?.
February wheel
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