这是我妹妹送给你的礼物。 - This is the birthday gift my younger sister gift to you., 你妈妈给的礼物最漂亮。 - The gift that your mom gave was most beautiful., 你爸爸做的饭一定很好吃。 - The food that your dad makes is definitely delicious. , 最先过河的十二个动物会是生肖。 - The first 12 animals that cross the river will be the zodiacs., 穿蓝色裤子的人是我的表弟。 - The person who wears the blue pants is my younger male cousin., 你住的地方离我的家不远。 - The place you live is not far from my house. , 生病的人是病人。 - The person who is sick is a patient. , 你买的东西很贵。 - The stuff you bought is expensive. , 那个长得像我的人是我的哥哥。 - That person who looks like me is my elder brother.,

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