BAG (adj) - (informal and offensive) An unattractive woman., VAMP - A usually unscrupulous woman who seduces and exploits men, BOUNDER - Unscrupulous man., CHAV - A slang for a poor or uneducated young person, especially one who behaves in anti-social or vulgar manner and wears ostentatious clothing and jewelry., THUG - A tough and violent man, especially a criminal., LOUT - A stupid boy or man., BIMBO - (inf/off)An attractive but empty-headed young woman., CHILVAROUS - A courteous and knightly man; gentleman and gallant., DOTING - To show excessive fondness or love., LADDISH - Characteristic of young men, esp by being rowdy, macho, LANKY - Thin, tall and not elegant., PRICKLY - Covered with prickles; slang: bad-tempered., WIMPY - Weak and ineffectual; lacking force., BULLISH - Having a heavy muscular physique., CHARMER - Someone with an assured and ingratiating manner,

Proficiency 3 - Style extra p.129


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