Independent - In a true experiment, the researcher manipulates the ___________ variable, control group - A group of participants who are not exposed to the experimental condition, hypothesis - A precise and testable statement about the assumed relationship between variables, conditions - Different levels of the independent variable, effect - Experiments want to establish a cause and __________ relationship, causal - Researchers should be careful when trying to draw __________ conclusions from natural and quasi experiments because they fail to meet any of the criteria of a true experiment, standardised - A _____________________ procedure is a concrete set of instructions for carrying out an experiment. Including the steps of the method and the variables to be controlled, it's like an experiment's recipe, demand - ____________ characteristics are cues in an experiment which may indicate it's aim. This can have an effect on Participant behaviour., effects - The effect of an investigator's presence on the behaviour of participants is known as investigator _____________, bias - The effect of the investigator's expectations on the results of a study is known as investigator ______, ecological validity - The extent to which the findings of an experiment can be generalised to a different environment (e.g the real world), Hawthorne effect - A participant's awareness that they are being studied/observed affects their behaviour, order - boredom and fatigue are both forms of __________ effects. This is a limitation of a repeated measures design, counterbalancing - When the order in which participants complete conditions (in a repeated measures design) is alternated (ABBA) to minimise order effects, participant - A limitation of independent groups is that ___________ variables may have an impact on the dependent variable, objectivity - A weakness of a participant observation is that the researcher risks losing their ______________________, quantitative - Structured observations usually produce ____________________ data (numerical), qualitative - Unstructured observations usually produce ________________ data (words and language),
Research Methods Terminology Check
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