Decedent - individual who has died, Livor Mortis - settling of blood in the body after death; also called lividity, Rigor Mortis - stiffening of muscles after death, Manner of Death - method for categorizing a death, Natural Death - death which has only happened because of disease or natural process, Accidental Death - death in which an injury was not intended or expected, Asphyxiation - strangulation or suffocation, Suicide - death which was a result of intentional self-inflicted injuries, Homicide - death in which one human caused fatal injuries to another, Undetermined Death - death in which evidence does not clearly indicate the manner of death, Cause of Death - factors which are the reason death occurred, Mechanism of Death - body’s response to the cause of death which resulted in the cessation of life, Cessation - ending of a process, Ligature Marks - patterns which indicate a cloth, rope or cord has been wrapped around a body, Cyanosis - blue discoloration on the skin resulting from lack of oxygen in the blood, Blunt Force Trauma - severe force to the body with a blunt object such as a bat, Laceration - wound resulting from skin or other tissue bursting due to impact, Cardiac Arrest - inability of the heart to function properly, Gunshot Residue - particles from the primer, propellant and fragments which are expelled when a firearm is discharged, Sharp Force Injuries - wounds caused by pointed objects such as a knife,
Death investigations - Hangman
12th Grade
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