Is there a thesis statement stating which side the essay will be supporting?, Check that your essay is divided into 5 paragraphs., Does your conclusion restate the thesis statement?, Have you included a future thought at the end of your conclusion?, Find 3 examples of hedging language e.g. tend, could, may, might., Does your introduction give some background to the topic?, Does the counter argument begin with a signposting word?, Make sure you have included a refutation to the counter argument., Check that there are expressions which explain the significance of your examples., Make sure each supporting / counter point is supported with an example., Is there a summary of the main points in the conclusion?, Have you included an overview of both sides of the argument in the introduction?, Find 4 examples of vocabulary linked to the topic., Check for any repetition. E.g. For example, also. Use synonyms!, Have you changed some of the vocabulary in the statement to avoid repetition?.

EAP SEP BLSS B VM - Essay checklist

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