If you fart in a spacesuit, does it stay with you all day?, What would be the most bizarre Earth food to explain to an alien?, How would you style your hair in zero gravity without it looking like a space disaster?, If aliens visited us, what would be the most embarrassing human activity to explain?, How do you think a pizza would bake in zero-gravity? Would the toppings float away?, Imagine playing sports on Mars. Would football still be called "the beautiful game" if the ball hardly ever came down?, Can you sneeze in a spacesuit, or is it a mission-abort level emergency?, What’s the protocol if you need to itch your nose during a spacewalk?, If someone snores in the spaceship, is there a designated place where they’re banished to sleep?, How do you decide who gets the window seat on a trip to Mars?, Would a Martian rock band have to tune their instruments differently in Mars’ atmosphere?, What kind of reality TV show could we create about living on Mars?, If Martians use social media, what do you think their most popular hashtag would be?, How do you play hide and seek in a space habitat without many places to hide?, Would you rather fight one horse-sized duck or a hundred duck-sized horses on the moon?, How do astronauts deal with someone who has really bad breath in the confined space of a spaceship?, What happens if you get the hiccups in zero gravity? Do you float every time you hiccup?, Could you walk a dog on Mars, or would you both just end up floating away?, What board games would be impossible to play in zero gravity, and how could you adapt them?, If Earth foods had weird names on Mars, what would be some funny examples? (e.g., Earth roundies for pizzas),

Space conversation offbeat by London Centre of English Wlodawa

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