If you had $200 million and you had to spend it within 24 hours, what would you do?, What will you do after our English lesson?, If you could learn anything, what would you study?, If you could have lived anytime in the past, who would you have been? , What would you buy if you won the National lottery?, If you could live in another country, which one would you like to live and why?, If you could change one thing about your body or personality, what would it be?, If you had a time machine and could travel an important time in history, which time would you want to visit, and why?, If you could be a character from a movie, who would you be and why ?, If you could have a party and invite anyone (dead or alive), which people would you invite?, What would you do if your best mate told they committed a crime?, What will you do if the weather is nice this weekend.
Conditionals review: Speaking activity
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