Someone keeps looking at their phone during a conversation with you., You arrive at a party and realise someone else is wearing the same clothes as you!, A restaurant plays very loud music – you have to shout to be heard!, Your drink bottle cap wasn’t on properly and now everything in your bag is extremely wet!, Someone keeps spelling your name wrong even though you have told them several times how to spell it!, You get home from the shops. You’ve bought a lot of things, but you forgot the thing you went for!, Someone leaves their dirty clothes on the bathroom floor., You try to read an article online, but it’s only available to paying customers., A colleague always taps their fingers on the table during work meetings., You are woken by an alarm at the weekend – you forgot to turn it off!,

SO Unit 2C How to talk about things that annoy you

Papan Peringkat

Kartu lampu kilat adalah templat terbuka. Ini tidak menghasilkan skor untuk papan peringkat.

Gaya visual


Berganti templat

Pulihkan simpan otomatis: ?