test markets - specific cities or geographic areas in which marketing experiments are conducted., internal information - information developed from activities that occur within the organization, external information - Factors outside of the organization, primary data - Information collected for the first time to solve the problem being studied., secondary data - Information already collected for another purpose that can be used to solve the current problem., open-ended question - Questions that allow respondents to develop their own answers., input - the information needed for decision making that goes into the system, closed-ended question - Questions that offer 2 or more choices., random sampling - everyone in the population has an equal chance of being selected in the sample, sample - A smaller group selected from the population., survey - A planned set of questions to which individuals or groups of people respond., focus group - A small number of people brought together to discuss identified elements of an issue or problem., observation - _________ collects information by recording actions without interacting or communicating with the participant., experiments - Carefully designed and controlled situations in which all important factors are the same except the one being studied., storage - The resources used to maintain information, including equipment and procedures, so that it can be accessed when needed., analysis - The process of summarizing, combining, or comparing information so decisions can be made., population - All people in a group the company is interested in studying., marketing research - A procedure designed to identify solutions to a specific marketing problem through the use of scientific problem solving., simulations - Experiments where researchers create the situation to be studied., output - The result of analysis provided to decision makers.,
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10th Grade
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