Browser - A program or software used for browsing the internet and viewing web pages., Download - The process of transferring data from a remote computer or the internet to your own device. This can include files, documents, images, videos, or software., Upload - he process of transferring data from your own device to a remote computer or server., Password - A secret code or combination of characters used to gain access to a computer, online account, or digital device., Keyboard - A set of keys on a computer, typewriter, or mobile device used for typing text, numbers, and special characters., Screen - The display surface of a computer, tablet, smartphone, or other electronic device. It shows visual information, such as text, images, videos, and user interfaces, to the user., Charger - A device used to recharge the battery of a mobile phone, tablet, laptop, or other electronic device., Notification - A message or alert displayed on a digital device to inform the user about new information, updates, or events.,
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