Correct: Use an oven mitt to bake a cake, Use baking soda on a grease fire, Store fresh vegetable away from meats, Tie long hair back, Place knives to be washed next to sink, Salmonella present in poultry can be cooked and eaten safely, Food safety zone 40-140ºF , Personal Hygiene includes wearing an apron, A hazard is something that can cause you or someone else injury, Cover foods cooking in the microwave to avoid splatters, Incorrect: Use a dull knife to be safe, Use a wet towel to put out a grease fire., Cut your salad on the same cutting board with your chicken , Coughing into your hand while preparing food., Place dirty knives in soapy water in the sink, Salmonella can be avoided if you wash your hands, Food safety zone 20-120º F, Safe Work Hygiene is making sure the handles of the cabinets have no germs, A hazard is something that happened after you prepared the food incorrectly, Cooking with metal in the microwave speeds up the cooking time,
Kitchen and Food Safety
6th Grade
7th Grade
8th Grade
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