climax - a decisive moment that is a major turning point in a plot, protagonist - a leading character, hero or heroine, theme - the main idea that is being discussed or described, antagonist - a person who opposes or competes with the hero, lush - covered with a thick, healthy growth of plants, baffle - to confuse or bewilder, countless - too many to count, similarly - in almost the same way, furthermore - in addition, consequently - therefore; as a result, certainly - without doubt, feat - an extraordinary act of achievement, radiant - shining or giving off light, fashion - to make, build or shape, colossal - huge, towering - reaching a height above others, erect - to build or rise up, incredibly - unbelieveably, drift - to wander, ingeniously - cleverly inventive, complex - complicated or composed of many parts, steadily - constantly without change, fortnately - luckily, durable - long lasting, impressive - awesome, bellow - to give a loud, deep roar, emerge - to come into view, cordially - in a friendly manner, gasp - a sudden breath due to surprise or difficulty breathing, content - satisfied with what one has or is,
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