A: "I'm not going to the beach." B: "Why not?" A: "____ the weather clears up, I prefer staying home." A: "Why do we have a first aid kit in the car?" B: "____ emergencies. It's always good to have one handy, just in case someone gets hurt." A: "What will you do if you win the lottery?" B: "____ I win, I'll buy a big house and travel the world." A: "Why are you carrying an extra phone charger?" B: "I____ my phone dies while we're out. I want to be prepared." A: "Are you going to the concert tonight?" B: "Yes, ____ it's raining, I'll still go. I've been waiting for this for months."

SO B1+ Unit 3A Conditional structures - if, in case, unless, even if, in case of

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