wrap up - to dress in warm clothes, or to dress someone in warm clothes, take off - to remove something, especially clothes, roll up - fold something around itself to make the shape of a ball, or to fold cloth around itself to make a piece of clothing shorter, trow on - put on a piece of clothing quickly, take up - to start doing a particular job or activity, breeze through - to pass sth easily, read up on - to spend time reading in order to find out information about something, come down with - start to suffer from an illness, especially one that is not serious, call off - decide that a planned event will not happen, break down - be unable to control your feelings and to start to cry, sort out - deal successfully with a problem, fall out with someone - to argue with someone and stop being friendly with them, hit it off - to quickly become good friends with, get on (well) with - to have a good relationship with someone, look up to - to respect (someone); to admire (someone)., get round to - find time to do sth, break in - interrupt sbd/ to enter a building illegally, usually by damaging a door or window, esp. for the purpose of stealing something, polish off - to finish some ething quickly and easily, especially a lot of food or work, gulp down - to eat or drink something quickly, swap out - change/ exchange ,
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