Weathering - What process causes rocks to break down into smaller pieces?, Erosion - What process carries away weathered rock?, Glacier - What is a large sheet of flowing ice called?, Deposition - What process causes eroded sediments to be dropped off in another place?, Delta - What landform is caused by sediment deposited at the mouth of a river?, Landform - What is a land feature such as a sea arch or a canyon called?, Sanddune - What are broken-down pieces of rock called?, Epicenter - The strongest surface point of an earthquake, mantle - Contains most of Earth's mass, Fault - A break in the crust where rock can slide past other rock, Earthquake - Shaking ground at a moving fault, Crust - Earth's outermost layer, Focus - The point where an Earthquake begins, Core - Earth's innermost section, made of two layers, Volcano - An opening in the Earth's crust where magma can reach the surface,

Changes to the Earth's surface Science Fusion Unit 8

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