¿Qué tiempo hacía? - What was the weather like?, hacía buen tiempo - It was good weather, llovia - it was raining, nevaba - it was snowing, hacía sol - it was sunny, hacía calor - it was hot, hacía frío - it was cold, hacía fresco - it was cool, hacía viento - it was windy, estaba nublado - it was cloudy, Visitar lugares de interés - Visit places of interest, empacar - to pack, sacar fotos - to take photos, comprar recuerdos - to buy souvenirs, relajarse - to relax, bucear - to scuba dive, montar a caballo - to ride a horse, Tomar el sol - to sunbathe, ir al parque de atracciones - to go to an amusement park, pasear en bote - to go boating, hacer una caminata - to take a walk/hike, Navegar - to sail, hacer snorkel - to snorkel, practicar el esquí acuático - to water ski, hacía mal tiempo - It was bad weather, hacer la maleta - to pack a suitcase,

MS - Geography #2

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