1) What do you think is the most interesting period in world history? 2) Besides your own country, which country’s history do you find the most fascinating? 3) Who is a person from history that you greatly admire? What did they do? 4) If you could go back in time to experience any historical event, what would it be? 5) What kinds of historical landmarks are there to visit near where you live now? 6) Who is a person that is alive today that you think will be remembered in history? 7) What is a historical place that you hope you will one day get to visit? 8) Can you think of a time and place in history that you are glad you weren’t alive for? 9) What history were you taught at school? Did you enjoy learning about it? 10) Would you prefer to live now or 500 years ago somewhere else? Explain why. 11) What is your favourite historical book or movie? Why do you like it so much? 12) Does your country have any great heroes from the past? Why are they remembered? 13) Do you like visiting museums? When did you last visit one and what did you see? 14) What is a major historical event that you think could happen in the next 100 years? 15) Would you like to be remembered in history? What for?


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