awe - A mix of respect, fear, and wonder (in awe of God), explicit - Clearly stated (you were given explicit instruction), adorned - Decorated (the bride’s head was adored with flowers), streak - To move fast, to leave a mark, resemble - to be like or similar to (you resemble a movie star), exalted - Raised in rank, praised, glorified (God should be exalted), extol - To praise highly (people extolled his honorable acts), ecstatic - Full of joy (she was ecstatic that her team won), bleak - Gloomy, depressing (the situation was bleak), billowing - Swelling, rising, flowing (the smoke billowed from the haystacks), profusely - Abundant, freely (he was bleeding profusely), console - To comfort (Mom consoled her son when he fell), adroit - Expert in the use of hands or body, skillful (Reid is adroit), durable - Long-lasting, revere - To regard with respect and awe (revere = respect), evolve - To change, to develop gradually,

IEW 1 - 13-17

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