altruistic - Having a selfless concern for the well-being of others, nerdy - Showing great interest in or enthusiasm for particular subjects, especially those considered technical, detailed, or niche, such as comic books, video games, or specific TV shows, overinduldgent - Excessively indulging in something, often to an unhealthy or impractical extent, obsessed - Having an intense and unhealthy preoccupation with something, devoted - Showing strong loyalty and commitment to a particular cause, activity, or interest, cult-like - Exhibiting an extreme or fanatical devotion to a particular interest or group, similar to that of a cult, die-hard - Extremely loyal and determined; unwilling to change one's opinion or attitude, hardcore - exhibiting extreme, unwavering enthusiasm and commitment to their particular interest or hobby, follower of - a person who consistently supports, admires, and keeps up with a particular interest, such as a celebrity, band, TV show, or other cultural phenomena, fandom - the community of fans who share a common interest in a particular cultural phenomenon, such as a TV show, movie, book series, band, or sports team,
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