Listening & Support - We can all use an open ear every now and again, Co-Planning - Collaboratively plan a lesson that meets best practices, Differentiation Support - Assist with designing activities and assessments to meet the needs of all learners, Co-Teaching Coaching Cycle - Collaboratively plan, teach and reflect on a lesson or series of lessons, Gather Resources - Assist with acquiring engaging supplemental resources, Communication Support - Help prep for conferences, MTSS/RTI or parent contact, Lesson Feedback - Checkout a lesson and provide feedback, Unpacking Standards - Provide strategies and techniques for teaching specific standards, Model a Lesson - Teach a lesson or group in your classroom with your students for you to observe, Data Conversations - Collaboratively analyze assessments data to assist in making instructional decisions, Visit a Colleague - Plan a time for class coverage so you can visit another teachers classroom to view a lesson, Brainstorming - Collaboratively bounce ideas off of each other and aid in acquiring necessary materials, Professional Development - Lead content knowledge based sessions that are both formal or informal, Team or Grade Level Planning - Collaborative member for TBT or and grade level content planning, Curriculum Support - Provide support, answer questions and help you to leverage the district instructional materials to best enhance student achievement, Tech Integration Support - Meet to discuss how to best leverage tech resources in a project or lesson,

Instructional Coaching Matching


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