API - Application Programming Interface, AWS - Amazon Web Services, BA - Business Analyst, CCB - Change Control Board, CI/CD - Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment, CMS - Content Management System, CRM - Customer Relationship Management, EDRMS - Electronic Document and Records Management System, ERP - Enterprise Resource Planning, ESG - Environmental, Social, and Governance, FTP - File Transfer Protocol, HTTP - Hypertext Transfer Protocol, IaaS - Infrastructure as a Service, IT - Information Technology, ITIL - Information Technology Infrastructure Library, JAD - Joint Application Development, JAR - Joint Application Review, KPI - Key Performance Indicators, MOU - Memorandum of Understanding, NDA - Non-disclosure Agreement, PaaS - Platform as a Service, PCI - Payment Card Industry, PERT - Program Evaluation Review Technique, PHI - Personal Health Information, PII - Personally Identifiable Information, PM - Project Manager, PMO - Project Management Office, PRINCE2 - PRojects IN Controlled Environments 2, QA - Quality Assurance, RACI - Responsible, Accountable, Consulted,Informed, RAM - Responsibility Assignment Matrix, RBS - Resource Breakdown Structure, RFB - Request for Bid, RFI - Request for Information, RFP - Request for Proposal, RFQ - Request for Quote, ROI - Return on Investment, RTM - Requirements Traceability Matrix, SaaS - Software as a Service, SAFe - Scaled Agile Framework, SDLC - Software Development Life Cycle, SLA - Service-level Agreement, SME - Subject Matter Expert, SMS - Short Message Service, SOW - Statement of Work, SPI - Sensitive Personal Information, SQL - Structured Query Language, SSD - Solid-state Drive, SWOT - Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats, TOR - Terms of Reference, UAT - User Acceptance Testing, WBS - Work Breakdown Structure, XaaS - Anything as a Service, XP - Extreme Programming,
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