1) Approximately, how long should each Movers Speaking Test last? a) 4 minutes b) 6 minutes c) 8 minutes 2) What are the different parts of the test? a) Greeting and Introduction; Finding the differences, Telling a story; Odd-one out activity; Open-ended questions without prompts b) Greeting and Introduction; Point at the right pictures, Finding the differences, Telling a story; Odd-one out activity; Open-ended questions without prompts c) Greeting and Introduction; Finding the differences, Telling a story; Odd-one out activity; Open-ended questions with picture prompts 3) What must a Young Learner's Speaking Examiner do? a) Make an assessment of the candidate's performance. b) Make an assessment of the candidate's performance and usher the candidates. c) Conduct the test following standard procedures and make an assessment of the candidate's performance. 4) Should examiners provide correct responses to candidates? a) The examiner should never provide correct responses to candidates. b) The examiner should provide positive feedback and decide whether to ignore mistakes or elicit the correct response. c) The examiner should always elicit the correct response to encourage candidates. 5) How should examiners respond to surface errors made by the candidate? a) Surface errors should be ignored provided that doing so will not adversely affect the candidate's subsequent responses. b) Surface errors should be dealt with by repeating a question, using a back-up question, pointing or simply providing the correct answer. c) Surface errors and content errors should be corrected immediately to avoid further errors. 6) What kind of material should the examiner have at the beginning of a Movers' session? a) Young Learners' Examiner and Candidate Booklet, ISEs, a clock, a pen, a blank piece of paper, mark sheets. b) Young Learners' Examiner and Candidate Booklet, ISEs, a clock, a pen, a blank piece of paper, a phone with the Cambridge App to register scores. c) Young Learners' Examiner and Candidate Booklet, ISEs, a clock, a pen, a blank piece of paper 7) How should the available furniture be arranged for a Mover's exam? a) Anywhere as long as the examiner doesn't consider the room atmosphere being intimidating. b) The examiner cannot make any changes to the room since the CEM is in charge of that. c) The furniture should be placed closed to the door so candidates do not need to walk so much. 8) How should candidates with special requirements be examined? a) In exactly the same way as other candidates. b) According to the special arrangements as long as the centre has informed examiners about the issue. c) Always using modified material.
Cambridge Exams: Movers
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