1) It was extravagant for her to buy two watches, when she only needed one. a) cautious b) wasteful c) exciting 2) Tasha never let anyone know how poor they were because she was too proud to accept their charity. What does the word charity mean? a) pity b) mean looks c) welfare/aid 3) After the journey home, she wearily collapsed in her bed. What does the word wearily mean? a) happily b) energetically c) sleepily 4) The beggar was just a thin waif of a girl, with dirty hair. What does the word waif mean? a) model b) homeless c) rich 5) She bundled up in her down coat, scarf and hat to go outside in the frigid winter weather. What does the word frigid mean? a) cozy b) freezing c) balmy 6) The dentist office called to confirm that I would be at my 9:00am appointment. What does the word confirm mean? a) make sure b) remind c) ignore 7) He had a devious mind, always looking for ways to get out of class or make his classmates look bad. What does the word devious mean? a) kind and friendly b) dishonest and sneaky c) sincere and honest 8) Piper said she would prefer the pink shirt instead of the red shirt, since pink is her favorite color. What does the word prefer mean? a) choose b) like better c) like less 9) The sweater began to unravel at the bottom, with the threads hanging down loosely. What does the word unravel mean? a) staying intact b) untagle or come apart c) shrink 10) The thin glass vase was fragile so it was important to hold it carefully. What does the word fragile mean? a) thick b) breakable c) sturdy

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