Newton's 1st Law: A seatbelt keeps a person from continuing to move as a car comes to a sudden stop, The tendency of an object to resist changes in motion , Friction causes a book to stop sliding across a table, A hockey puck continues to slide across ice until it hits the net, Inertia, An object will not change its motion unless a force acts on it, Newton's 2nd Law: Relationship between force, mass, and acceleration, An empty grocery cart will accelerate more than a full one if the same force is applied to both, It takes a train traveling 60 mph 2 miles to come to a complete stop because it has so much mass, A car with smaller mass takes less force to stop than a car with larger mass, If the mass of a wagon increases it will require more force to make it accelerate , The force on an object is equal to its mass times its acceleration, Newton's 3rd Law: Your skateboard moves forward when you push backward, Jet flies upward as exhaust pushes downward, All forces are in pairs, If a car hits the wall with 500N of force the wall hits the car with 500N of force, Action forces & Reaction forces, When two objects interact, they apply forces to each other of equal magnitude and opposite direction.,
Newton`s 3 Laws - Sorting Game
8th Grade
GED and HiSet Tests
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