Rainbow: Name things you can see around you that match the colors of the rainbow (ROYGBIV), Name things in the room that start with each letter of your name, 5-4-3-2-1 (5 things you can see, 4 things you can feel, 3 things you can hear, 2 things you can smell, 1 thing you can taste), Breath in calm, breath out stress 3x , Zoom In (the farthest thing away you can hear, the next closest thing, etc., until you can hear your own breath), Describe how you are feeling right now as if you were describing the weather., Body scan: tighten and relax your muscles starting from your head to your toes), Take a SEAT: Sensations (how does my body feel), Emotions (how am I feeling), Actions (what am I doing), Thoughts (what am I thinking), Count to 10 forwards and backwards, 5 point breathing: trace your fingers on one hand breathing in and out as you trace up and down, Name all the things that made you smile today from morning to now. , Pay attention to your body cues: are you thirsty, hungry, full, or need a snack?, What are 3 things you are thankful for today?, What went right today? What went wrong today?, Rate how you feel before and after playing your favorite song., Walk to the other side of the room in slow motion., Find something in the room that you can hold that brings you comfort. Describe it in detail as if your are sharing it with someone who can't see it., Close your eyes and imagine you are at the beach. What can you see, hear, touch, taste, and smell?, Breath in blue, breath out red x3, Close your eyes and imagine you are in your favorite place in nature. Describe it in detail. .
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