Base of a cone - the flat surface shaped like a circle, Base of a pyramid - a face opposite the common vertex where the triangular faces meet, Base of a cylinder - the two opposite flat surfaces shaped like circles, Base of a prism - the two opposite faces that are connected by rectangular faces, Congruent - of equal measure, Congruent figures - figures that are the same size and same shape, Edge - where the sides of two faces meet on a three-dimensional figure, Face of a prism - a polygon that forms a surface of a prism, Irregular figure - a polygon with sides and/or corners (angles) that are not all congruent, Polygon - a closed figure with at least 3 sides, where all sides are straight (no curves), Quadrilateral - a polygon with 4 sides and 4 vertices, Regular figure - a polygon with all sides and corners (angles) congruent, Sort - grouping objects or figures by a shared characteristic or attribute, Three-dimensional figure - a figure that has measurements including length, width (depth), and height, Two-dimensional figure - a figure with two basic units of measure, usually length and width, Vertex 3D - the point (corner) where three or more edges of a three-dimensional figure meet, Vertex 2D - the point (corner) where two sides of a two-dimensional figure meet,
3rd Grade Geometry
3rd Grade
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