Ana is looking for a job. - "I looked for places that need employees and filled out an application.", Carlos feels stressed at work. - "Do breathing repetitions and play with objects.", Julia and Leo want to learn a new language. - "They can look on YouTube for places that teach them, and not just search locally for a place where they can learn.", Roberto has to do a school project tomorrow. - "Focus and don't stress; they can also ask their parents for belp, Mario is getting weight - Follow a diet and go to the gym., Farnanda car is making strange noises - "Look for a mechanic who doesn't charge too much and, Diana want to travel to another country the next year - "A place that they like, that has good prices, and that is comfortable., Daniel spend too much time on social media - You can go urt for a walk and do fun acti vitics, Sam feels tred everytime - "You should rest and go relax.", Anthony want to be the best soccer player. - "You should talk a lot and give it your best effort.",


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