What type of holiday traditions does your family have? , What kind of food do you have during the holiday times?, Which is your favorite holiday book/movie? , Name one holiday song., Do you count down the days before winter break?, What’s the best – or worst – gift you’ve ever received?, If you could only have one type of candy this year, what would you choose?, What one thing are you most grateful for this holiday season?, If you could travel anywhere for winter break, where would you go?, Would you rather have three feet of snow or no snow at all?, If someone offered you a gift card to any store you wanted, which one would you choose?, Would you rather build a snowman, go sledding, have a snowball fight, or stay inside drinking hot cocoa?, Name three words that best describe this season for you., What are 3 goals/you have to accomplish before January starts?, What kind of shopper are you? Black Friday? Christmas Eve? Hoarder? Other? .
Holiday Wheel of Cheer
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