how heavy an object is. - Weight is... , if an object can bend or not. - Flexibility is ..., how something feels. - Texture is..., your sense of sight. - To observe texture, you can use your sense of touch and SOMETIMES..., has air inside it, or is light and has a large surface. - An object can float when it is..., Liquids and gases - Matter that takes the shape of their container., Solids - Matter that has its own shape., Anything that takes up space. - Matter is...., A trait or feature of an object. - Property is...., Testing the scent of the flower. - When you smell a flower you are?, Tested or sometimes observed. - Texture can be..., Sense of Sight - Senses you use to observe shape., Sight. - Senses you SOMETIMES use to observe texture.,

Describe Matter/Properties of Matter Review!

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