Crystallization - the process by which a solid is formed in an organized pattern, Condensation - the process by which a gas becomes a liquid, Density - the amount of matter in a given volume., Dew Point - the temperature point when the air cannot hold anymore moisture and condensation begins to occur., Evaporation - The process by which a liquid becomes a gas, Exosphere - the outermost layer of the atmosphere. Space begins here, Groundwater - Water that exists underground in the soil, caves and natural springs, Hydrosphere - All of the water on the surface and above the surface of the earth., Humidity - the amount of water vapor in the air, Mesophere - the middle layer of the atmosphere. It is the coldest layer and meteors burn up here., Precipitation - any weather condition that falls from the sky - rain, snow, sleet or hail., Stratosphere - the second layer of the atmosphere. The ozone layer is formed here., Surface Runoff - Water that moves along the surface of the earth - rivers, streams, parking lots, flash floods, Thermosphere - the fourth (or next to last) layer of the atmosphere. It is the hottest layer and contains the northern lights., Transpiration - The process by which water enters the atmosphere as it exits a plant., Troposphere - the first layer of the atmosphere and the only one that contains weather., Water Cycle - The continuous movement of water on earth and in the atmosphere.,
Atmosphere/Water Cycle
6th Grade
Water cycle
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