Pronouns - Words that act as stand-ins for nouns or for words that take the place of nouns., Antecedents - Nouns for which pronouns stand., Personal Pronouns - Refer to 1) the person speaking. 2) the person spoken to, or 3) the person, place, or thing spoken about, Personal Pronouns First Person - Singular - I, me, my, mine, Personal Pronouns Second Person - Singular and Plural - you, your, yours, Personal Pronouns Third Person - Singular - he, him, his, she, her, hers, it, its, Personal Pronouns First Person - Plural - we, us, our, ours, Personal Pronouns Third Person - Plural - they, them, their, theirs, Reflexive Pronouns - End in -self or selves and add information to a sentence by pointing back to a noun or pronoun earlier in the sentence., Intensive Pronouns - end in—self or—selves and adds emphasis to a noun or pronoun in the same sentence., Reflexive and Intensive Pronouns Singular - myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, Reflexive and Intensive Pronouns Plural - ourselves, yourselves, theirselves,


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