The swimming pool opens at 9 o'clock in the morning., David doesn't do any sports., Why did you read your brother's messages?, My brother didn't have breakfast yesterday morning., What time does the banks close in the evening?, How much milk do you have in your fridge?, I have a car, but I can't drive it., Do you know that Lisa reads newspapers every day?, On Tuesday I usually get up at half past six., How often do you play tennis?, Where did they meet your sister last week?, What language are Tom and Lisa speaking?, It doesn't rain much in summer., She always stays in the hotel when she goes to Rome., Why is Lisa wearing that ugly dress today?, On Monday our children have 6 lessons at school., Who is she going to the cinema with tonight?, Where did Carl go after work last week?, Why does she go to work by bus?, How often do you pay by your credit card?, Which colors did they use to paint their bedroom?, Whose computer are you working on now?, What time did you leave the house today morning?, I never eat mangos because I don't like them.,
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