1) When I make a mistake, I can just say ______. a) Oops! I'm growing! b) Oh no! I will never get it write. c) Yikes! My teacher will be upset. 2) Cheer up! Mistakes are good! Mistakes are a sign that we are _____. a) sleeping b) learning c) crying 3) Who makes mistakes? a) Mom and Dad b) My teachers c) Everyone 4) Making __________ is how we learn a) mistakes b) milkshakes c) blueberry pie d) play doh 5) When I was a baby, I could not a) read and write b) crawl c) nap for long hours 6) I am _________. I am learning. And that is a good thing.  a) sliding b) painting c) growing d) flying 7) Instead of saying "I can't", I need to say _________. a) "Harumpf" b) "Are we there yet?" c) "May I have one?" d) "I can't YET"

socio-emotional / growth mindset

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