1) Honesty, Hope, Humility 2) Willingness to go to any length 3) Open-mindedness 4) Acceptance 5) Unmanageability 6) What does powerlessness mean to you 7) Describe what Faith means to you 8) H.A.L.T. (hungry? angry? lonely? tired?) 9) Turning It Over 10) Letting Go of Resentments 11) Mindfulness 12) Making friends in sobriety 13) Dating within the rooms 14) Moral Inventory 15) Anger 16) Relationship with your Higher Power 17) Emotional Sobriety 18) Amends 19) Benefits of sponsorship for sponsor and sponsee 20) Higher Power's Will 21) What was your rock bottom 22) The first drink 23) How to Remove Self Justification Step 4 24) Sharing our Experience 25) Sharing our Strength 26) What does step 1 mean to you 27) Carrying the message 28) How are the promises coming true in your life 29) Practicing the actual AA program 30) Respecting other viewpoints 31) God, as we understood God 32) “Next we launched“ discuss the 4th step 33) Recovery is my responsibility 34) What steps do you take to stay engaged in your recovery 35) Doing what we did and getting what we got 36) A desire to stop drinking 37) What does spirituality mean to you 38) Dealing with ex spouse in recovery 39) Working with others 40) How do you approach setting personal boundaries 41) How has sobriety helped you 42) How are the promises working in your life 43) Surrender to win 44) Describe the moment you first realised this program worked 45) F.E.A.R. (false evidence appearing real) 46) What does singleness of purpose mean to you 47) Breaking the Family Cycles 48) What sayings help to keep you sober 49) Drunk dreams 50) What does your current day looks like in sobriety

Spin The wheel AA Topics

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