Gravity - a noncontact force that pulls objects toward the center, Energy transfer - The movement of energy from 1 object to another. , Friction - a force between surfaces that slows objects or stops them, Equal forces - forces that act together on an object without changing its motion., Unequal forces - Forces that cause an object to change its motion. , Interaction - To have contact with something through touch or actions. , Test - to find out the nature or quality of something, to prove a hypothesis, Evidence - to prove or disprove something with facts., Experimental Investigation - test in which a control is identified and variables are measured to test a hypothesis, Control - the variable in an experiment that remains unchanged, Hypothesis - a prediction that can be tested., Force - A push or a pull; changes the state of rest or the state of motion, reflect, System - a group of related parts that work together as a whole, Battery - power source; produces an electric current, refract, Light Energy - energy that makes it possible for the eye to see, Mechanical Energy - energy that results in movement, absorb - to soak up and take in, shadow - a dark shape that is made when a source of light is blocked, decrease - to go down, increase - to go up, reflection - bouncing of light off an object, refraction - bending of light as it passes from 1 transparent material into another, MELTS - mechanical, electrical, light, thermal, sound, SINC - magnetic metals (steel, iron, nickel, cobalt), Independent Variable - what is being changed or tested in the experiment, Dependent Variable - how is the experiment going to be measured,
Chapter 1-6 Review Part 2
5th Grade
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