Marketing - Finding the needs of consumers and demonstrating how a business fulfils those needs in a way that increases sales, Market Data - Information that help marketing decisions. It includes data on such things as market shares, changes in demand and the effect of promotions, Market Research - The collection of data on consumer habits to help decision-making in marketing, Market Segmentation - Splitting the market for a product into different parts, or segments, P’s of Marketing Mix - Price, Product, Promotion and Place, Primary Research - Data collected first-hand, often in the form of surveys. Sometimes referred to as field research, Product Life Cycle - The life of a product, usually shown as a graph divided up into four stages: introduction; growth; maturity; and decline, Qualitative Data - Data based on opinions of those being asked, Quantitative Data - Data collected that is based on facts or numbers, usually easier to analyse than qualitative data, Secondary Research - The collection of data using research or information provided by others, such as magazines, journals and the internet. Often called desk research, Target Market - The group of customers to whom a business aims to sell its products. The target market may be other businesses as well as consumers,
Role of Marketing (Higher)
Management of Marketing
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