Your laptop is faster than mine. The girls were more friendly than the boys. - We use comparative adjectives + than to compare two people, animals, things, places., My laptop is the fastest in the shop. The Ukrainians are the most friendly. - We use the superlative to compate one person, animal, thing, etc. with more than one person, animal, thing etc. in the same group. We use the...of/in with the superlative. , It's the best book I've ever read. - We often use a superlative with the present perfect + ever., Her dress is the same as mine - We use the same as to say that two people, places, things are identical., My laptop isn't as fast as yours. The boys weren't as friendly as the girls. - To say two people or things are not the same, we can use not as (adjective) as., She is taller than me/She is taller than I am. - After than or as we can use an object pronoun (me, him, her) or a subject pronoun (I,he,she) + auxiliary verb., nice-nicer (than) - the nicest - With one-syllable adjectives ending in -e we add only -r in the comparative and -st in the superlative., big-bigger (than) - the biggest - With one-syllable adjectives that end in vowel+consonant, we double the last consonant and we add -er or -est., bored-more bored, stressed-more stressed - With one-syllable adjectives ending in -ed we use more. , easy-easier (than) - the easiest - With two-syllable adjectives that end in -y, we change the -y to -i and we add -er or -est., My father drives faster than me. He walks more slowly than I do. - We use comparative adverbs to compare two actions., Max doesn't speak English as well as his wife. I don't earn as much as my boss. - We can also use (not) as+ adverb+ as to make comparisons.,
3A Comparative/Superlative
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