1) what show is this a) the fairly odd parents b) frozen c) power puff girls d) dexter's lab 2) who is this character a) jake the dog b) finn c) elsa d) sandy cheeks 3) who is this character a) jonny bravo b) timmy turner c) jimmy neutron d) patrick 4) what show is this a) courage the cowardly dog b) adventure time c) total drama island d) teen titans 5) what show is this a) jonny bravo b) jimmy neutron c) spongebob square pants d) teen titans 6) what show is this a) total drama island b) adventure time c) regular show d) jimmy neutron 7) what show is this a) regular show b) total drama island c) adventure time d) teen titans 8) what show is this a) regular show b) courage the cowardly dog c) chowder d) the amazing world of gumball 9) what show is this a) the amazing world of gumball b) chowder c) regualr show d) adventure time 10) what show is this a) the grim adventures of billy and mandy b) adventure time c) regular show d) ben 10 11) what is this characters name a) spongebob sqaure pants b) finn c) jake the dog d) ben 10 12) what show is this a) camp lazloo b) total drama island c) ben 10 d) adventure time 13) what is this characters name a) blu b) mack c) trixie tang d) jake the dog 14) what show is this a) fosters home for imaginary friends b) teen titans c) jimmy neutron d) adventure time 15) what show is this a) codename kids next door b) total drama island c) regular show d) adventure time 16) what is the name of this show a) kim possible b) my life of a teenage robot c) frozen d) power puff girls

Mr.C's cartoon network trivia


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