Symbiosis - Interactions between two different organisms living together., Mutualism - A symbiotic relationship in which both species benefit from living together, Commensalism - A symbiotic relationship in which one organism benefits and the other is not helped or harmed, Parasitism - A symbiotic relationship where one benefits and the other is harmed, parasite - An organism that invades another organism and feeds off it, host - An organism that a parasite lives on or in- the larger organism in the relationship., competition - in nature, two or more organisms needing the same resources (water, food, shelter), predator - An animal that hunts other animals for food, prey - Animal hunted or caught for food, Abiotic Factors - The non-living parts of an ecosystem. Ex. Weather, wind, rain, sunlight, rocks, Biotic Factors - The living parts of an ecosystem. Ex. Birds, plants, animals, inesects, reptiles, shrubs, trees, grasses, food chain - A series of steps that show how living things (organisms) get food for energy to live, food web - A series of interacting food chains to show how living things get food for energy to live, Sun - The first source of energy for all food chains/webs., Producers - Living things that make their own food for energy., Consumers - Living things that eat other living things for energy, Decomposers/ Detritivores - Living organisms that eat animal waste and dead plants and animals, breaking down the matter into nutrients for plants., Trophic Level - The link of a food chain/web that an organism exists., Primary Consumers - Along the food chain, the name for animals that eat producers, Secondary Consumers - Along the food chain, the name for animals that eat the primary consumer, Tertiary Consumers - Along the food chain, the name for animals that eat the secondary consumer., Ten Percent Rule - The amount of energy passed from one trophic level to the next., Energy - What is passed along food chains/webs as living things eat other living things., Pioneer Species - First species to populate an area, usually lichen., Primary Succession - the establishment of a community in an area of exposed rock or bare rock that does not have any topsoil, Secondary Succession - Succession following a disturbance that destroys a community without destroying the soil., Climax community - a stable community that no longer goes through major ecological changes. final stage of succession,
Ecology pt 1
9th Grade
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