1) Why do we say modeh ani and not ani Modeh? a) Because 1st we are one with Hashem not seperate. Its also the first step of our avodah to recognize this. b) Because attitude of gratitude is more important 2) Vaykel shows on... a) It symbolic of uniting our soul powers b) Its actually happening in greater measure, making aliyah 3) Practically horah from shekolim a) Donate money to shul called Mishkan Shiloh b) Give Tzedaka, with 10 kochos Hanefesh c) Go visit the Kosel and drop of 10 chocholate coins 4) What does vaykel teach us a) To unite with yourself b) To unite with Hashem c) To unite with another yid d) All the above 5) What is the first thing we do in the Morning a) Check your phone, someone might need you ;) b) Drink water, energy boost!! c) Say Modeh Ani 6) Pesach: 30 days before a) Be aware of chametz b) Say Nasi c) Make a bracha on a budding tree. 7) In nissan a) We dont fast, even a chossen and kalla b) Make a bracha on a budding tree c) No Tachnun

Parshas Vaykel Pekudei


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