1) What protesting method is being used in this picture? a) Boycott b) March c) Song d) Speech e) Sit-in f) Petition 2) Which famous Civil Rights event is shown in this image? a) Montgomery Bus Boycott b) Selma Bloody Sunday c) Greensboro Sit-in d) March on Washington e) Freedom Summer f) Children's Crusade 3) How do you think a picture like this being in a newspaper in 1963 affected the Civil Rights Movement? a) Make cops stop being violent towards African Americans. b) It wouldn't affect anything. c) It would lead to more support for the CRM 4) Which famous Civil Rights event is shown in this image? a) Greensboro sit-in b) Birmingham Church Boming c) The Children's Crusade  d) Selma Bloody Sunday e) March on Washington f) Little Rock Nine 5) Which famous Civil Rights event is shown in this image? a) Selma Bloody Sunday b) Greensboro Sit-in c) Montgomery Bus Boycott d) Freedom Summer e) Little Rock Nine 6) What Supreme Court Case were people protesting against in this image? a) Korematsu v. United States b) Loving v. Virginia c) Plessy v. Ferguson d) Brown v. Board of Education 7) Which famous Civil Rights event is shown in this image? a) Selma Bloody Sunday b) Montgomery Bus Boycott c) Greensboro Sit-in d) Freedom Summer e) The Children's Crusade f) The March on Washington 8) Which famous Civil Rights event is shown in this image? a) The Children's Crusade b) Freedom Summer c) The March on Washington d) Selma's Bloody Sunday e) The Children's Crusade 9) Which famous Civil Rights event is shown in this image? a) Emmett Till's Funeral b) John Lewis's Funeral c) MLK Jr. Funeral d) Medgar Evers Funeral

Famous Photos of the Civil Rights Movement

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