宝贝 - treasure; baby; cherished things, 不久 - soon; not long after, 出去 - to go out, 电话 - telephone, 进步 - advance; progress; improve, 贝壳 - seashell; shell, 同学 - schoolmate; classmate, 山洞 - cave, 可爱 - lovely; cute, 出来 - to come out, 很久 - for a long time, 力气 - strength; effort, 破洞 - hole, 我爱你 - I love you., 用力 - to exert oneself; to put forth one's strength, 进来 - to come in, 笑话 - joke, 学生 - student; pupil, 有用 - useful, 住址 - address, 一同 - together, 用功 - to study hard; hardworking; diligent, 住在哪儿 - Where (does one person/ do you) live?, 学校 - school,


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