I'm so sorry! - Ouch! You are standing on my foot!, Bless you! - Someone sneezes., Congratulations! - I'm pregnant!, I'm fine thanks, and you? - How are you doing?, Never mind! I'm not really bothered about my birthday! - I'm sorry! I forgot it was your birthday!, Oh, I'm so sorry. My condolences! - My grandmother died., You're welcome! - Thanks for your help., Good luck! I am sure you will pass! - I have an important exam tomorrow!, Cheers! - Cheers!, Sorry, I don't smoke. - Have you got a light?, Sorry, someone is sitting here. - Is this seat free?, Yes please! White with 2 sugars. - Would you like a coffee?, I'm sorry to hear that. Better luck next time. - I failed my driving test!, Of course, No problem. - Can you keep an eye on my bag?, Yes, here you are. - Can I borrow your pen?, Sorry, I haven't finished reading it yet. - Can I borrow your newspaper?, Nothing much. - What have you been up to?, Not bad. How are things with you? - Hi , how's it going?, Sorry. I'm afraid I don't have any data. - Do you mind if I use your phone?, I know, it's been too long! I'm fine. How are things with you? - Hey. How are you doing? I haven't seen you for ages!,
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