A food you are able to make in less than 15 minutes, Something you aren't able to lift, Someone you know who isn't able to drive, An animal that isn't able to swim, Something you aren't able to do while you're talking, Someone you know who is able to play a musical instrument, A sport you aren't able to do well, A non-food item you are able to buy at a supermarket, Something you are able to do with one hand, A language you are able to speak well, Someone you know who isn't able to sing well, A sport you are able to do well, Something you aren't able to cook, Something you are able to do in a swimming pool.

What are you able to do?


Papan Peringkat

Kartu acak adalah templat terbuka. Ini tidak menghasilkan skor untuk papan peringkat.

Gaya visual


Berganti templat

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