Correct: 35 stars selected for study in our galaxy, 1 out of every 5 voters surveyed in the 2020 Presidential Election, 6 classes worth of students at YCHS polled, 3 colors in the rainbow studied, 50 people from each zip code in SC who answered a survey, 25 freshmen, 25 sophomores, 25 juniors, and 25 seniors who answered a questionnaire at YCHS, One out of every ten customers at a store who received a survey on their receipt, 6 out of 100 cases of water that were tested for purity, 1 out of every 15 tired that were tested for tread depth, 16 out of the 31 flavors at Baskin Robbins that were tasted, Incorrect: Every star in our galaxy, All people who voted in the 2020 Presidential Election, Every student at YCHS, All the colors of the rainbow, All SC residents, Every customer at the grocery store, 86% said yes, 45% are red, 67% said no, Every water bottle,
Sample vs Population Practice (or neither)
11th Grade
12th Grade
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