
Arabic vocabularies

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961 risultati della ricerca per "arabic vocabularies"

Surah At-Takwir & Al-Infitar
Surah At-Takwir & Al-Infitar Quiz
Inital Form - Arabic Letters
Inital Form - Arabic Letters Telequiz
Arabic Alphabet
Arabic Alphabet Ruota della fortuna
Transport Immagini con bollini
حرف الدال
حرف الدال Apri la scatola
Name Them in Arabic
Name Them in Arabic Quiz
Arabic words - group 2
Arabic words - group 2 Crucipuzzle
Arabic words - group 1
Arabic words - group 1 Anagramma
true or false colours
true or false colours Vero o falso
حرف التاء
حرف التاء Ruota della fortuna
اِبْحَث عنِ الحرف الصحيح
اِبْحَث عنِ الحرف الصحيح Trova le corrispondenze
أين الفاعل؟
أين الفاعل؟ Aeroplano
Tanween in the Clouds
Tanween in the Clouds Aeroplano
أقسام الكلام
أقسام الكلام Scoppia i palloncini
نسخة من  prefoming relationship (1)
نسخة من prefoming relationship (1) Inseguimento nel labirinto
Sukoon/Bidaya textook
Sukoon/Bidaya textook Ruota della fortuna
الجملة الاسمية والفعلية
الجملة الاسمية والفعلية Scoppia i palloncini
أزمنة الفعل
أزمنة الفعل Immagini con bollini
أين المُبْتَدَأ؟
أين المُبْتَدَأ؟ Trova le corrispondenze
المعجم  (حرف الباء)
المعجم (حرف الباء) Inseguimento nel labirinto
Find the correct letter! (Alif-Yaa)
Find the correct letter! (Alif-Yaa) Inseguimento nel labirinto
Directions for places - Arabic
Directions for places - Arabic Abbinamenti
Match the Arabic Letters (Part 1)
Match the Arabic Letters (Part 1) Memory
حرف الباء
حرف الباء Organizza per gruppo
Arabic words - group 3
Arabic words - group 3 Inseguimento nel labirinto
 Arabic GCSE - العصا الخشبية - practice
Arabic GCSE - العصا الخشبية - practice Trova le corrispondenze
Find the Letter Sound
Find the Letter Sound Inseguimento nel labirinto
 انواع التنوين
انواع التنوين Telequiz
أين المفعول به؟
أين المفعول به؟ Inseguimento nel labirinto
Find the Pair
Find the Pair Memory
Arabic Alphabet (Alif to Dhaal)
Arabic Alphabet (Alif to Dhaal) Metti in sequenza
5. Translating الماضي
5. Translating الماضي Abbinamenti
Ad-Duhaa + Ash-Sharh + At-Tin
Ad-Duhaa + Ash-Sharh + At-Tin Inseguimento nel labirinto
Arabic Alphabet
Arabic Alphabet Ruota della fortuna
Arabic - weather verbs
Arabic - weather verbs Abbinamenti
 Animals in Arabic - حيوان
Animals in Arabic - حيوان Trova le corrispondenze
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