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2.446 risultati della ricerca per "latin"

imperfect tense (endings)
imperfect tense (endings) Abbinamenti
Prepositions Abbinamenti
Stage 6 Imperfect or perfect? CLC Latin
Stage 6 Imperfect or perfect? CLC Latin Organizza per gruppo
present tense (endings)
present tense (endings) Abbinamenti
CE Level 1 Latin 1st Conjugation Verbs
CE Level 1 Latin 1st Conjugation Verbs Abbinamenti
CE Latin Level 1 2nd conjugation verbs
CE Latin Level 1 2nd conjugation verbs Abbinamenti
CE Level 1 Latin Cardinal numbers
CE Level 1 Latin Cardinal numbers Abbinamenti
CLC Stage 1
CLC Stage 1 Abbinamenti
Nouns - Endings Practice!
Nouns - Endings Practice! Organizza per gruppo
present tense (verbs)
present tense (verbs) Abbinamenti
Perfect tense (endings)
Perfect tense (endings) Abbinamenti
Noun Declension Sort
Noun Declension Sort Organizza per gruppo
CE Level 1 Latin 1st Declension Nouns
CE Level 1 Latin 1st Declension Nouns Abbinamenti
Nom and acc gap fill
Nom and acc gap fill Completa la frase
CE Latin Adverbs Level 1
CE Latin Adverbs Level 1 Abbinamenti
imperfect tense (verbs)
imperfect tense (verbs) Abbinamenti
Stage 9 Dative nouns Find the Match
Stage 9 Dative nouns Find the Match Trova le corrispondenze
Irregular Latin verbs
Irregular Latin verbs Abbinamenti
Sing/plural verb check Stage 5 CLC
Sing/plural verb check Stage 5 CLC Organizza per gruppo
Infinitives win or lose
Infinitives win or lose Quiz Vinci o perdi
present (endings)
present (endings) Abbinamenti
Irregular Verbs (Chapter 4 de Romanis)
Irregular Verbs (Chapter 4 de Romanis) Inseguimento nel labirinto
Stage 15 Relative pronouns
Stage 15 Relative pronouns Completa la frase
Stage 20 Present Participles Match up CLC
Stage 20 Present Participles Match up CLC Trova le corrispondenze
Comparative Moles
Comparative Moles Colpisci la talpa
CLC Hit the Accusative Moles!
CLC Hit the Accusative Moles! Colpisci la talpa
Roman gods
Roman gods Abbinamenti
Colour the pictures.
Colour the pictures. Carte a caso
CE Latin Level 1 Verbs 1 - 4 and Irregular English
CE Latin Level 1 Verbs 1 - 4 and Irregular English Organizza per gruppo
imperfect (endings)
imperfect (endings) Abbinamenti
CLC: Stage 2 Vocabulary
CLC: Stage 2 Vocabulary Abbinamenti
pluperfect (verbs)
pluperfect (verbs) Abbinamenti
pluperfect (endings)
pluperfect (endings) Abbinamenti
CLC: Stage 7 Vocabulary
CLC: Stage 7 Vocabulary Abbinamenti
Y8 Nom vs Acc (up to Stage 8)
Y8 Nom vs Acc (up to Stage 8) Organizza per gruppo
CE Level 1 Latin Pronouns and Question Words
CE Level 1 Latin Pronouns and Question Words Abbinamenti
Stage 2 in triclinio sentence match up
Stage 2 in triclinio sentence match up Trova le corrispondenze
CLC: Stage 3 Vocabulary
CLC: Stage 3 Vocabulary Abbinamenti
CLC: Stage 1 Vocabulary
CLC: Stage 1 Vocabulary Abbinamenti
imperfect (verbs)
imperfect (verbs) Abbinamenti
CE Latin Level 1 3rd and 4th conjugation verbs
CE Latin Level 1 3rd and 4th conjugation verbs Abbinamenti
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