
Year 3 Spelling

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Y3 Pictionary Homophones Quiz
Y3 Pictionary Homophones Quiz Quiz
Year 3 Colours
Year 3 Colours Abbinamenti
ai Trova le corrispondenze
CLOTHES Abbinamenti
regular verbs present tense
regular verbs present tense Abbinamenti
Place Value Balloon Pop
Place Value Balloon Pop Scoppia i palloncini
Parts of the body - Anagram
Parts of the body - Anagram Anagramma
Contractions balloon pop
Contractions balloon pop Scoppia i palloncini
Y3 Which items are magnetic or non-magnetic?
Y3 Which items are magnetic or non-magnetic? Organizza per gruppo
rutina diaria
rutina diaria Guarda e memorizza
French - Mon petit boulot
French - Mon petit boulot Abbinamenti
Minecraft Inseguimento nel labirinto
had to
had to Riordina
FH3 L19 was/were (group sort)
FH3 L19 was/were (group sort) Organizza per gruppo
Object Pronoun - Cohesion
Object Pronoun - Cohesion Trova le corrispondenze
Stone Age Quiz
Stone Age Quiz Quiz
The Plurals
The Plurals Ruota della fortuna
Year 3 -ful and -ness suffixes
Year 3 -ful and -ness suffixes Organizza per gruppo
Go Getter 2 Unit 1.4 Personal information (5)
Go Getter 2 Unit 1.4 Personal information (5) Flash card
Division Quiz
Division Quiz Scoppia i palloncini
Year 3 Place Value
Year 3 Place Value Quiz
Year 3&4 spellings
Year 3&4 spellings Organizza per gruppo
Drop the 'e' or doubling rule?
Drop the 'e' or doubling rule? Organizza per gruppo
Own it! 2 Unit 3 Feelings
Own it! 2 Unit 3 Feelings Abbinamenti
Spelling ck
Spelling ck L'impiccato
Multiplication Quiz
Multiplication Quiz Quiz
Two - digit Numbers
Two - digit Numbers Quiz
alternative pronunciations ow
alternative pronunciations ow Organizza per gruppo
Alternative pronunciation ea
Alternative pronunciation ea Organizza per gruppo
Contractions and expanded form
Contractions and expanded form Abbinamenti
Metų laikai ir mėnesiai
Metų laikai ir mėnesiai Organizza per gruppo
French Fruit
French Fruit Abbinamenti
Parts of the Plants - Jobs
Parts of the Plants - Jobs Quiz
Temperature Immagini con bollini
Homophones in Context
Homophones in Context Completa la frase
Family Immagini con bollini
Capital Letters
Capital Letters Quiz
Parts of a Plant
Parts of a Plant Immagini con bollini
Go Getter 3 Unit 2.1 Shopping Quiz
Go Getter 3 Unit 2.1 Shopping Quiz Abbinamenti
Subject pronouns (he, she, it, we, they)
Subject pronouns (he, she, it, we, they) Aeroplano
Y3 Magnetic or non-magnetic?
Y3 Magnetic or non-magnetic? Organizza per gruppo
Plants vocab game
Plants vocab game Scoppia i palloncini
Division facts quiz
Division facts quiz Telequiz
mm cm m conversions
mm cm m conversions Trova le corrispondenze
Dates in Mandarin (characters only)
Dates in Mandarin (characters only) Scoppia i palloncini
Year 3 Plants - Key Knowledge Parts of a Plant
Year 3 Plants - Key Knowledge Parts of a Plant Immagini con bollini
Sunflower life cycle
Sunflower life cycle Immagini con bollini
Y3 Hangman Los dias de la semana
Y3 Hangman Los dias de la semana L'impiccato
Light sources Year 3
Light sources Year 3 Organizza per gruppo
Year 3 -dis and -un prefix
Year 3 -dis and -un prefix Apri la scatola
Multiplication and Division words
Multiplication and Division words Organizza per gruppo
Compound words - matching pairs
Compound words - matching pairs Memory
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